Space Ghost: Coast to Coast is an American animated parody talk show, hosted by the 1960s Hanna-Barbera cartoon character Space Ghost. The show premiered on April 15, 1994, on Cartoon Network. Though the original 1960s series aired as a standard Hanna-Barbera Saturday morning superhero cartoon, Space Ghost Coast to Coast was a total reboot of the series intended for adults, now reinterpreted as an absurdist parody talk show and produced using the original artwork.
The series' focus on surrealism, non-sequiturs and random, unpredictable parody humor proved the perfect vehicle to launch the network's late night television block, Adult Swim, serving as the flagship show from 2001–2004. Space Ghost Coast to Coast was recommended to be the first fully produced series to air on Cartoon Network. SGC2C was also the first and only Cartoon Network original series to later air on Adult Swim and Gametap. The show was rated TV-Y7, TV-PG, and TV-14, making it the first and only Cartoon Network original show to receive these three TV ratings.
The directors Paul and Chris Weitz -- the American Pie brothers -- have tried hard not to make a tearjerker, and at its best the movie is knowing and tart.
Many of the clichés in this movie predate the last Ice Age.
An enjoyable cast and a couple of charming relationships are enough to make this a surprise.